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+39 392 05 25 672

This cookie policy is made available to users who interact with the web services of the website of Service Vill accessible at the addresses and and makes known the purpose of the various cookies.

The owner of the processing of personal data collected through this site is Service Vill snc which is based in via Campagna 11, 22100 Como (CO), Italy.

General information about cookies

A cookie is a file that contains a short string of text that is sent to your browser and sometimes saved on your device (computer, smartphone, tablet) every time you visit a website. Each cookie is unique in relation to the browser and device you use to access the Service Vill website.
We use cookies for multiple purposes, in order to offer a fast and secure web experience. Some cookies allow us to understand which pages are most visited, others facilitate the use of features such as sharing content on social networks or viewing and controlling content from other sites such as YouTube, others still guarantee and facilitate the operation of reserved user areas.
The cookies stored on your device cannot be used to access your hard disk, transmit computer viruses or identify your e-mail address. We recommend that you configure your browser to accept cookies from our site.
Some of the functions performed by cookies can also be delegated to other technologies, with the term 'cookie' in this document, we want to refer to cookies and all similar technologies.
It is possible to configure the browser to accept all cookies or to block them. On this page we provide all the information necessary to manage cookies on this site and we indicate external sources that allow us to manage third-party cookies.

Type and duration of cookies

Duration of cookies
Cookies can be persistent or temporary. Persistent cookies remain stored until they expire on the user's device. Temporary cookies are not stored permanently on the user's device and cease to exist when the browser is closed.

Technical cookies
They can be temporary or persistent. Technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of "carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or to the extent strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide this service "(see Article 122, paragraph 1 of the Code). Technical cookies are intended to facilitate navigation within the site and to ensure its correct use. They are also used to facilitate access to services that require authentication (example: reserved user area), to manage browsing sessions and to maintain a certain level of security. Some technical cookies remain stored until they expire on the user's device. Technical cookies also allow you to perform aggregate statistical analyzes on the pages visited and user preferences, all anonymously; they are not used to analyze individual users' behavior or preferences. Deleting or disabling technical cookies can lead to the malfunction of certain services or features.
The installation of these cookies does not require the prior consent of the users.

Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies are used to analyze the interests and browsing habits of individual users, to personalize their navigation and deliver any content targeted to particular interests, including advertising. The profiling cookies used by this site are exclusively provided by third parties. In any case, the profiling cookies act anonymously and do not allow to trace the user's identity.
It is possible to block and delete third-party cookies by following the instructions highlighted on this page.

First-party cookies
They can be temporary or persistent. First-party cookies are managed by the site owner. They are used to guarantee their technical functioning (see technical cookies) or to keep track of preferences expressed regarding the use of the site itself.

Third party cookies
They can be temporary or persistent. Third-party cookies are managed by third parties other than the owner of this site. For these cookies, the obligation of the information and methods of blocking the cookie rests with the third party. The information on this site lists the third-party cookie managers, the links to the information of each manager and indicates the ways in which the user can disable or delete cookies.

Third-party cookies are normally used for statistical purposes or to ensure the functioning of third-party services included on this site; some examples of what third-party cookies allow: inclusion and interaction with videos shared by services such as YouTube or similar, shortcuts to share site content on various social networks, aggregate collection of statistical data that do not identify individual users.

Cookies used by Service Vill
This site uses the following cookies (none of them contain sensitive information):

Cookie name Cookie function Time
PHPSESSID Used by PHP for general purpose to save the session id At the end of the browsing session.
hidden Determines whether the banner with the cookie policy message has already been closed 1 year
__ utma Used by Google Analytics to distinguish between users and sessions on a site 2 years
__ utmz Used by Google Analytics to identify the traffic source (does not identify the user) 72 hours
_ga Used by Google Analytics to uniquely identify a user, assigning him a random numeric identifier 2 years
_gat Used by Google Analytics to monitor the frequency of requests by limiting the collection of data on high traffic sites 10 minutes
_gid Used by Google Analytics to uniquely identify each page visited 1 day

Accepting or refusing this type of cookie is possible by changing the browser settings: please refer to the specific indications for the browser used. For specific information on third-party cookies, please refer to the paragraph "information on third-party cookies".

Manage your cookie preferences from your browser

You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings. You can also block or delete the cookies received. Remember that disabling all cookies may cause inconvenience to your browsing on this site.
To set your browser preferences for cookies, you can follow the instructions that each manufacturer has made available on their site:

Information on third-party cookies and how to disable them

Service Vill uses some services which in turn provide cookies. To learn about the use of third-party cookies, we recommend that you read the privacy and cookie information of the websites that generate them.
Here are the third-party cookies that this site uses:
One of the most popular social networks.
Information on cookies and privacy:
To disable or manage cookies:

One of the most popular social networks.
Information on cookies and privacy:
To disable or manage cookies:

One of the most popular social networks.
Information on cookies and privacy:
To disable or manage Pinterest cookies:

Google Analytics
Statistics system for websites.
Information on cookies and privacy:
To disable Google Analytics cookies:

Google Ads
Google ad system.
Information on cookies and privacy:
To disable or manage Google cookies:

Portal dedicated to video sharing.
Information on cookies and privacy:
To disable or manage Google cookies:

To disable any further third-party cookies, visit this site: